We train at Bernie Mullane Courts, and play at Kellyville Netball Courts, Wellgate Ave Rouse Hill.
In 2025 we have many exciting events planned for GNC Juniors & our Seniors and we would LOVE to have you all involved.
Please put the below event dates in your calendars and keep your eyes on our socials (instagram and FB) to stay up to date with everything we have planned!
We don't want you to miss out!
WHEN: 12th March
WHERE: Arnold Ave Park Reserve
WHO: Net set go teams &
WHEN: 16th March
WHERE: AABT (Bella Vista)
WHO: New Umpires (successful applicants)
WHEN: 15th June
WHERE: The Lounge @ The Fiddler
WHO: Junior players and friends
WHEN: 2nd July
WHERE: Greenway room @ The Fiddler
WHO: ALL Junior Players, Coaches,
Managers, Umpires and Rep players
WHEN: 2nd August
WHERE: Greenway Room @ The Fiddler
WHO: Inters, Seniors, Coaches, Managers, Parents & Friends
WHEN: 2nd November
WHERE: The Greenway @ The Fiddler
WHO: Juniors & Inters