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We train at Bernie Mullane Courts, and play at Kellyville Netball Courts, Wellgate Ave Rouse Hill.

Online Enquiry

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Red Award Day 

If your child would like to learn how to become an umpire and umpire for GNC this year they must complete the red award first. They will then be provided a mentor to help develop their skills and will then need to attend the Blue umpiring award day on Saturday April 5th 2025.

Please click on the link below to register.

Please also print out the information below for your child to bring on the day.

All the girls in the Representative Program will need to complete the Rules of Netball Theory examination.
The Red Award will provide valuable skills in order for them to complete this task.

Coaches - Jemma Coy
Date - 16/3/2025
Time - 9.00am 
Place - AABT Bella Vista Lexington drive

Click here to REGISTER

Click here to Download Booklet